If you’re involved in agriculture or construction, understanding the weight of tractor tires is crucial. Different tractors need different tires, and their weight plays a vital role in performance and safety. Whether you’re a farmer, contractor, or just curious, this article sheds light on the various weights of tractor tires.

Considering tractors are massive machines, often weighing over 20,000 pounds, it’s natural to assume that their tires must be quite hefty too. Have you ever wondered just how much these tires weigh?

On average, a large tractor tire weighs between 400 and 600 pounds. If you calculate the total weight for all four tires, it turns out that the tires alone can weigh anywhere from 800 to 2,500 pounds!

What Is the Average Weight of Different Tractor Tires?

As the tractors come in different sizes ranging from small to full-size, it is better to know the average weight of tires for each type of tractor:

Small Size Tractor Tires

Small tractor tires, with a size often used on compact tractors, generally weigh around 250-300 pounds. These tires are designed for smaller tasks and are lighter to suit the needs of compact tractors​​.

Medium Size Tractor Tires

Medium-size tractor tires typically weigh more than small ones. Though there isn’t a precise weight range mentioned for medium-sized tires, we can infer that they weigh around 350-400 pounds.

Large Size Tractor Tires

Large tractor tires are heavier, with weights ranging between 500 to 800 pounds. These are designed for larger tractors that are used in extensive farming and industrial applications​​.

Full-Size Tractor Tires

The heaviest type, the extra-large or full-size tractor tires, can weigh up to 1,000 pounds. These tires are suited for the largest and most demanding machines used in agriculture and construction​​.

What Is the Weight of Tractor’s Front Tires?

Front tractor tires are typically smaller than the rear ones, resulting in a lower weight range. On average, front tractor tires can weigh anywhere from 30 to 220 pounds depending on the tire’s size and type. For example, a John Deere 7.50R16 front tire weighs around 36 pounds, while a FENDT 440/65R24 can weigh up to 149 pounds.

The weights can vary even more based on the brand and model of the tractor. For instance, a John Deere 6230R’s front tire (model 440/65R24) weighs 215 pounds, which is slightly heavier compared to the same tire size from FENDT​​​​.

What Is the Weight of Tractor’s Rear Tires?

Rear tractor tires generally bear more weight due to their larger size and the requirement to support heavier loads, especially in agricultural settings. The average weight of a rear tractor tire is around 600 pounds.

However, the weight can range significantly – from about 200 pounds to approximately 1,000 pounds.

To illustrate, a Case IH 710/70R42 rear tire weighs about 741 pounds, and a FENDT 650/60R38 weighs 501 pounds. The weight of rear tires also varies based on the tractor model and series.

For instance, the rear tires of the Case IH Puma 225 (model 600/65R28) weigh around 290 pounds, whereas the rear tires of the same model from John Deere (6155M) weigh the same.

When it comes to tractor tires, one size definitely doesn’t fit all. Various factors influence their weight. Let’s dive into what makes tractor tires differ in weight and explore the types of tractor tires available.

Factors Influencing Tractor Tire Weight

The weight of a tractor tire depends on the following factors:

  1. Tire size
  2. Material composition
  3. Tread depth and pattern
  4. Application
  5. Tire ply rating
  6. Load Capacity

1. Tire Size

Size plays a pivotal role in determining a tire’s weight. Larger tires, designed for bigger tractors, naturally weigh more. They need to support heavier loads and thus require more material in their construction.

2. Material Composition

The materials used in making tractor tires significantly affect their weight. Tires made with denser rubber compounds or reinforced with additional layers for durability and puncture resistance will be heavier.

3. Tread Depth and Pattern

Tires with deeper treads for better traction in muddy or rough terrain tend to be heavier. The tread pattern itself, designed to suit different soil conditions and applications, also contributes to the tire’s weight.

4. Application

Tires designed for specific applications, like agricultural or industrial use, vary in weight. Industrial tires, often used on harder surfaces, might be lighter compared to agricultural tires, which are designed to work in softer, more challenging terrains.

5. Tire Ply Rating

The ply rating of a tire, indicating its strength and durability, affects its weight. A higher ply rating generally means a heavier tire, as it has more layers of rubber and other materials.

6. Load Capacity of Tractor

The load capacity of the tractor also dictates tire weight. Tires designed to support heavier loads need to be more robust and, consequently, heavier.


We have discussed the weight of tires for different tractor sizes as not every tractor tire is the same. The tractor tire weight ranges from 300 pounds to 1,000 pounds. So, the average weight of tractor tires comes out to be 600 pounds.

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